Model-based estimation of burden of COVID-19 with disability-adjusted life years and value of statistical life in West Bengal, India
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COVID-19 had a higher impact on the elderly population with 90.2% of deaths arising from people aged above 45.
Our research found that DALYs for males and females were 190 568.1 and 117 310.0 years, respectively, and the YPPLL of the productive population was 28 714.7 and 16 355.4 years. The CPL due to premature mortality was INR3 198 259 615.6 and INR583 397 335.1 for males and females, respectively, while the CPL due to morbidity was INR2 505 568 048.4 and INR763 720 886.1. YPLL for males and females ranged from 189 103.2 to 272 787.5 years and 117 925.5 to 169 712.0 years for lower to higher age limits, and WYPLL was 54 333.9 and 30 942.2 years. The VSL (INR million) for the lower, midpoint, and upper life expectancies was 883 330.8, 882 936.4, and 880 631.3, respectively.
Our study found that vaccination was associated with reduced mortality. The losses incurred due to COVID-19 had a disproportionately higher impact on the elderly and males in West Bengal. Analyzing various age-gender subgroups enhances localized and targeted policymaking to minimize losses in future pandemics.
Based on the gathered data on infections and deaths
In Kerala, the impact of the virus was less severe on young people compared to the elderly, and this was also evident in our study. Despite the infection rate being 28.0% and 25.8% among males and females in the 31-45 years age group, respectively, the percentage of deaths in this group was only 8.4% and 6.8% of the total deaths.
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