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Launch of DALY Calculator by CPHR-MANT
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On 7th November 2022 MANT introduced CPHR-Mant to the world by launching our proprietary research tool, COVID-DALY, or “Disability Adjusted Life Years” calculator.
CPHR-Mant or The Centre for Public Health Research (CPHR) has recently gained media attention for its work in promoting public health and bringing about positive changes in society. Founded by the Manbhum Ananda Ashram Nityananda Trust (MANT) in the Northeastern region of India, we are an independent research organization that aims to generate evidence and chart a course for the future through the evaluation of the impact and effectiveness of its various scientific programs and initiatives.
“The Centre for Public Health Research thrives on enlightening civil society by empowering fellow civilians and shedding light on scientific knowledge. This organization is the brainchild of experienced professionals as well as young and talented scholars. DALY Calculator was invented by CPHR to know the impact of pandemic-influenced catastrophe that we experienced during last 2 years or so”, said Dr. Nirmalya Mukherjee, Director, MANT.
One tool we used to achieve our goals is the Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY) Calculator. This tool calculates the number of DALYs lost due to premature death or disability by taking into account the Years of Life Lost (YLL) due to premature death and the Years Lost Due to Disability (YLD) due to infection-related disability. The YLL is calculated based on the number of years a person would have lived if they had not experienced a premature death, while the YLD is based on the impact of a disability on a person’s quality of life, which can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe.
The opening ceremony seminar got glorified further with the presence of several erudite personalities, like Health Economist Dr. Barun Kanjilal, Dr. Raj Shankar Ghosh, Gates Foundation, New Delhi, Dr. Denny John, internationally acclaimed Research Methodologist; Mr. Pranay Lal, Senior Technical Advisor of The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, New Delhi who have been practicing in their respective areas of research with due effectiveness.
Dr Sanjay Kapur, Managing Director, JSI, New Delhi, Dr. Krishnamurthy Jyanna, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Life and Allied Health Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru; Dr Vinod Pavarala, Professor, UNESCO Chair on Community Media, University of Hyderabad and Mr. Naseer Atiq, SBC Specialist, Polio RRT, UNICEF – ESARO, Kenya joined the Seminar, virtually. We thank all the dignitories and participants for supporting us with their presence and participation.
The media has covered the CPHR and its use of the DALY Calculator in several publications, including
Interview of Dr. Nirmalya Mukherjee on the launch of CPHR and COVID DALY Calculator
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