Dr. Denny John, Research Methodologist at CPHR.

Dr. Denny John


Dr. Denny John is Research Methodologist at CPHR.

Denny’s research focuses on evidence synthesis, epidemiology, health economics and health technology assessment.

As a Research Methodologist he supports the CPHR team for methodological aspects related to tobacco control, tribal health, One Health, mental health, and climate change. He is Chair, Campbell; Cochrane Economic Methods Group (CCEMG), and President-Elect, Professional Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) India Chapter. He has published over 120 peer-review publications and is listed among the top 2% most cited in the field of public health in 2022 Stanford list. He is on the Editorial Boards of Systematic Reviews, Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, and BMC Public Health, journals.

He is part of the group that developed SHIVIR, an agent-based model for estimating disease spread for COVID-19. His research has been funded by Grand Challenges Canada, DFID, 3ie, Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, WHO-SEARO, and ICMR in India. He has lectured in universities and scientific conferences around the world and in India, including Australia, Germany, Ghana, Mexico, Nepal, Norway, South Africa, Taiwan and UK. He has trained several participants in India, Nepal, Ghana, Germany and UK in the field of evidence synthesis, economic evaluation and health technology assessment.  

His work has been widely covered in major media outlets including the Times of India, The Hindu, The Indian Express, The Wire, and IndiaSpend.

In 2022, he was Editorial Board Member for the WHO publication on ‘WHO Guidance on Strengthening of Evidence in Decision-making’ and co-authored a book on ‘Beginners Guide for Systematic Reviews: A step-by-step guide to conduct systematic reviews and meta-analysis’ published by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

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