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About Our Parent Organisation
Manbhum Ananda Ashram Nityananda Trust (MANT) is a non-profit, non-racial, non-political, non-religious organisation that since 1960 has been working in the development, research, and advancing community action for the preservation of local ecology, health and culture. We primarily work in the Eastern and Northeastern parts of India and have a team of 161 trained workers and 12 volunteers. Every year we have been touching the lives of more than 1 million people, mostly tribal people, through our different activities.
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The Centre has been implementing research projects with support from the Government of India and state governments, UN agencies, International development agencies/organizations, and both national and international academic and research institutions. We also work and collaborate closely with local universities and research organisations like Healis Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health, Mumbai and Institute of Public Health, Bengaluru.

MANT has signed an MOU with Ramaiya University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru, for joint research and conducting various certificate courses.

To conduct research, evaluation, and systematic reviews related to public health. The centre aims at bringing both quantitative and qualitative evidence to promote and protect the health and well-being of the people living in LMICs and prevent diseases and morbidities. And this will be done by generating and disseminating new knowledge and information related to both infectious and non-communicable diseases, indigenous health, one health, environmental health, socio-economic determinants of health and health surveillance. Policy focussed research will also be a part of the centre’s activity.
To promote and protect the health and well-being of vulnerable communities, through research and development activities.
In doing so, diversity in ethnicity, religion, caste and creed, cultural context, and opinions of the communities will be given the utmost respect.
We focus on the promotion of voices, choices, and identity of the people in general and indigenous people in particular.
Policy focussed research will always be a part of all our activities.

Let’s Work Together
We are open for Research Collaborations with Institutions, NGOs and Universities.
We are recognised by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research under Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.